The important areas of cash management and bookkeeping, which should be done according to particular financial controls to maintain integrity in the bookkeeping process, are where basic financial management abilities begin. To truly comprehend the financial health of the organization, new leaders and managers should learn how to prepare financial statements (from bookkeeping journals) and analyze such statements as quickly as possible.

Everything You Need to Know About Financial Management in Nonprofits

Financial analysis reveals the “truth” of a company’s position; as a result, financial management is one of the most significant management activities. This topic will assist you in understanding fundamental financial management techniques and developing the basic structures and processes required in a healthy organization.

The assets of a benevolent nonprofit must be utilized in conformity with contributors’ purpose and in support of the charity goal, according to the fiduciary obligation of the board of directors. Adopting financial policies by the board of directors is one technique to guarantee smart financial management. A conflict of interest policy is perhaps the most critical financial policy for any charitable organization.

Financial policies define the roles, duties, and authority for key financial management tasks and decisions. Staff and Board members are likely to function upon a set of assumptions that may or may not be accurate and productive in the absence of an accepted policy.

A policy that defines how cash is handled, whether and how a board member or employee’s travel expenses will be paid, and the board’s involvement in reviewing the executive director’s remuneration are all examples of financial rules often employed by charities. A finance policy that covers how the nonprofit’s funds are invested is another example. Do you have concerns about the financial practices of your nonprofit? Perhaps a money management check-up is in order! Self-assessments are tools that can assist you to concentrate the attention of the board of directors and/or prioritize next measures. The self-assessment tools listed below might assist you in focusing primarily on financial management techniques. How’s it going with your non-profit?

Financial management methods that provide stability and flexibility are used by healthy nonprofit organizations today and in the future. The 12 golden standards for nonprofit finance, including budgeting, diversified funding sources, and interdependence, are outlined in this document.

About Propel Nonprofits

Nonprofit organizations have a positive influence on communities and individuals through providing services, advocating for causes, and fostering community. Financial actions and decisions support powerful missions, creative initiatives, and dedicated personnel and volunteers behind the scenes. Financial management methods that promote stability and flexibility today and in the future are used by healthy nonprofit organizations.


Budgets are important because they give the financial data that underpins all planning. Budgets that work are realistic, based on reasonable assumptions and with clear responsibilities for meeting those expectations.

Program Costs

Good knowledge is essential while making financial decisions. In order to make judgments about fundraising requirements, contract conditions, and program extension or change, organizations must first grasp the true expenses of their operations.

Various Funding Options

Diversifying financing sources, while appealing, isn’t simple and isn’t always a good idea. Different sources of revenue necessitate various systems, institutions, connections, and communication channels.

Expenses for Functional/Infrastructure (aka, Core Mission Support)

Functional expenditures, such as program services and general/administration & fundraising (often referred to as “overhead”), must be accounted for by nonprofits. While donors may prefer lesser administrative costs, this focus is unstable and unsustainable.